


Toxic-Britney Spears Baby, can't you see 宝贝你看不见吗 I'm calling 我在召唤着 A guy like you should wear a warning 你这种家伙为什么不涂上预警 It's dangerous 无比危险 I'm falling 我深陷难以自拔 There's no escape 这里无处躲藏 I can't wait 我等不下去了 I need a hit 我需要一点刺激 Baby, give me it 宝贝给我吧 You're dangerous 你无比危险 I'm loving it 正和我意 Tonight 今晚 Can't calm down 怎么叫我冷静 Losin' my head 我完全失去思考 Spinnin' 'round and 'round 这样不停的旋转一圈又一圈 Do you feel me now? 现在你可以感觉我吗 With the taste of your lips 通过你唇齿夺走的我的气息 I'm on a ride 我正在进入状态 Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你的毒知凯做素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I'm addicted to you 我已沉陷于你 Don't you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 And I love what you do 你的所作所为正和我胃口 Don't you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比? It's getting late to give you up 想放手已经晚了 I took a sip from a devil's cup 我用魔鬼的杯子喝了点东西 Slowly, It's taking over me 慢慢地,把我包围 Tonight 今夜 Can't calm down 无法保持冷静 It's in the air and it's all around 空气中弥漫着那种气息 Can you feel me now? 现在你能感觉到我吗? With the taste of your lips 通过你嘴唇尝到的味道 I'm on a ride 我正在进入状态 Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你搭衡的毒素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I'm addicted to you 我已沉陷于你 Don't you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 And I love what you do 你的所作所为正和我胃口 Don't you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比? Don't you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 With the taste of your lips 你嘴唇的味道 I'm on a ride 让我进入状态 Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你的毒素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I'm addicted to you 我已沉陷于你 Don't you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 With the taste of your lips 你嘴唇的味道 I'm on a ride 让我兴奋无孙银比 Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你的毒素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I'm addicted to you 我已深陷于你 Don't you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 Intoxicated now 醉了 With your lovin' now 爱了 I think I'm ready now 我觉得我准备好了 Intoxicated now 醉了 With your lovin' now 爱了 I think I'm ready now 我觉得我准备好了