


这就是罗伯特·帕特里克演终结者中的反派参与的电影:《 Autopsy 》 (2008) ...《带我去月球 Fly Me to the Moon 》 (2007) ...Louie《陌生荒漠/奇异的荒陪穗野 Strange Wilderness 》 (2007) ...Gus Hayden《乒乓特种兵 Balls of Fury 》 (2007) ...Sgt. Pete Daytona《通往特雷比西亚的桥 Bridge to Terabithia 》 (2007) ...Jesse Aarons senior《 Lonely Street 》 (2007) ...Mr. Aaron《父辈的旗帜 Flags of Our Fathers 》 (2006) ...Colonel Chandler Johnson《错误元素/防火墙 Firewall 》 (2006) ...Gary Mitchell《加油!马歇尔/后继有人/希望不灭 We Are Marshall 》 (2006) ...Marshall Coach《海军陆战队员 The Marine 》 (2006) ...Rome《 WWE Raw Family Reunion 》 (2006) ...Himself/Rome《 50 Films to See Before You Die 》 (2006) ...Himself《 Cold Shoulder 》 (2006) ...《 The 11th Annual Critics' Choice Awards 》 (2006) ...Himself《 "The Unit" 》 (2006) ...Colonel Tom Ryan / ... (36 episodes, 2006-2007)《 "Disorderly Conduct" 》 (2006) ...Narrator《运侍一往无前/康庄大道/勇往直前/为你钟情 Walk the Line 》 (2005) ...Ray Cash《越野狂飙 Supercross 》 (2005) ...Earl Cole《 In Search of Ted Demme 》 (2005) ...Himself《猫王 Elvis 》 (2005) ...Vernon Presley《云梯49/火海豪情/烈火雄心 Ladder 49 》 (2004) ...Lenny Richter《 Preview to Atlantis 》 (2004) ...Marshall Sumner (uncredited)《 Stargate Atlantis: Rising 》 (2004) ...Colonel Marshall Sumner USMC《坏家伙 Bad Apple 》 (2004) ...Tommy 'Bells' Bellavita《霹雳娇娃2 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 》 (2003) ...Ray Carter《 1st to Die 》 (2003) ...Nicholas Jenks《 Pavement 》 (2002) ...Samuel Brown《 Ticker 》 (2002) ...FBI agent (uncredited)《狙击杀手/血岭狙击 D-Tox 》 (2002) ...Noah《 "The X Files" The Truth 》 (2002) ...Special Agent John Doggett《 Out of These Rooms 》 (2002) ...John Michael《逆流火焰 Backflash 》 (2001) ...Ray Bennett《德州游侠 Texas Rangers 》 (2001) ...Sgt. John Armstrong《旁乱吵特工小子/非常小特务 Spy Kids 》 (2001) ...Mr. Lisp《墨西哥 Mexico City 》 (2000) ...Ambassador Mills《脱缰野马 All the Pretty Horses 》 (2000) ...Cole《 The Making of 'Terminator 2: 3-D' 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Angels Don't Sleep Here 》 (2000) ...Det. Russell Stark《 "American Thunder" 》 (2000) ...Himself (1 episode, 2003)《 From Star Wars to Star Wars: The Story of Industrial Light & Magic 》 (1999) ...Himself《嗜血狂魔 From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money 》 (1999) ...Buck《鬼爷爷 A Texas Funeral 》 (1999) ...Zach《 Shogun Cop 》 (1999) ...Detective《F16空中战将 Tactical Assault 》 (1998) ...Col. Lee Banning《 Vivero Letter, The 》 (1998) ...James Wheeler《老师不是人/夺命高校 Faculty, The 》 (1998) ...Coach Joe Willis《抗暴黑金刚 Ambushed 》 (1998) ...Shannon Herrold《物极必反 Renegade Force 》 (1998) ...Jake McInroy《 Perfect Assassins 》 (1998) ...Leo Benita《真命天子 Only Thrill, The 》 (1997) ...Tom McHenry《警察帝国/地头龙/警察乐园 Cop Land 》 (1997) ...Jack Duffy《紫檀 Rosewood 》 (1997) ...Fanny's Lover《 Hacks 》 (1997) ...Goatee《战栗密令 Asylum 》 (1997) ...Nick Tordone《骇世刺杀令 Ravager 》 (1997) ...producer《灵异特警 Rag and Bone 》 (1997) ...Sergeant Daniel Ryan《脱衣舞娘 Striptease 》 (1996) ...Darrell Grant《惊爆天外天 Within the Rock 》 (1996) ...producer《 T2 3-D: Battle Across Time 》 (1996) ...T-1000《 Decoy 》 (1995) ...Travis《裸体追缉令 Body Language 》 (1995) ...Delbert Radley《魔幻战神 Last Gasp 》 (1995) ...Leslie Chase《双龙奇兵 Double Dragon 》 (1994) ...Kogo Shuko aka Guisman《零点追击 Zero Tolerance 》 (1994) ...Jeff《 Cool Surface, The 》 (1994) ...Jarvis Scott《九七风云 Hong Kong 97 》 (1994) ...Reginald Cameron《最后的动作英雄/幻影英雄 Last Action Hero 》 (1993) ...Cameo Appearance as T-1000《X档案 "The X Files" 》 (1993) ...John Doggett (2000-2002)《 Body Shot 》 (1993) ...Mickey Dane《反斗智多星 Wayne's World 》 (1992) ...Bad Cop (The T-1000)《 Making of 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', The 》 (1992) ...Himself《 Broken 》 (1992) ...Cop (uncredited)《终结者2/魔鬼终结者2/未来战士2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 》 (1991) ...T-1000《虎胆龙威 2 Die Hard 2 》 (1990) ...O'Reilly