茳渗雀注解--------------------------------------------------------------------------------茳jiāng (1) ㄐㄧㄤˉ(2) 〔~蓠〕一种藻类植物。亦作丛塌早“江蓠”。(3) 〔~芏〕多年生草木植物,茎三棱形,叶细长,开绿褐色小衫迟花,茎可编席。(4) 郑码:EVBI,U:8333,GBK:DCFC(5) 笔画数:9,部首:艹,笔顺编号:122441121详细注解--------------------------------------------------------------------------------茳jiāng常用词组--------------------------------------------------------------------------------茳芏jiāngdù[cyperus] 俗名席草。一种多年生草本植物(Cyperus malaccensis),茎呈三棱形,叶子细长,花绿褐色。茎可用来织席English --------------------------------------------------------------------------------茳Ji ā ng[ 茳蓠 ] a kind of 藻 plant.Also make the " river's 蓠 ".[ 茳芏 ] many years living the plant plant, 茎 three the form of 棱 , the leaf is thin long, open the green and brown floret, the 茎 can weave seat.
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