


pageno是自定义的变量,正如楼上的朋友所说,pageno是指定义的“页数"< Sub ShowList() > < PgSz=20 ’设定开关,指定每一页所显示的帖子数目,默认为20帖一页衫枯 Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") sql = "SELECT * FROM message order by ID DESC" ’查询所有帖子,并按帖子的ID倒序排列 Conn.Open "bbs" RS.open sql,Conn,1,1 If RS.RecordCount=0 then response.write "< P>< center>对不起,数据库中没有相关信息!< /center>< /P>" else RS.PageSize = Cint(PgSz) ’设定PageSize属性的值 Total=INT(RS.recordcount / PgSz * -1)*-1 ’计算可显示页面的总数 PageNo=Request("pageno") if PageNo="" Then PageNo = 1 else PageNo=PageNo+1 PageNo=PageNo-1 end if ScrollAction = Request("ScrollAction") if ScrollAction = " 上一页 " Then PageNo=PageNo-1 end if if ScrollAction = " 下一页 " Then PageNo=PageNo+1 end if if PageNo < 1 Then PageNo = 1 end if n=1 RS.AbsolutePage = PageNo Response.Write "< CENTER>" position=RS.PageSize*PageNo pagebegin=position-RS.PageSize+1 if position < RS.RecordCount then pagend=position else pagend= RS.RecordCount end if Response.Write "< P>< font color=’Navy’>< B>数 据 库 查 询 结 果:< /B>" Response.Write "(共有"&RS.RecordCount &"条符合条件的信息,显示"&pagebegin&"-"&pagend&")< /font>< /p>" Response.Write "< TABLE WIDTH=600 BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>" Response.Write "< TR BGCOLOR=#5FB5E2 >< FONT SIZE=2 >< TD >< B >主 题< /B >< /TD >< TD >< B >用 户< /B >< /TD >< TD >< B >Email< /B >< /TD >< TD >< B >发 布 日 期< /B >< /TD >< /FONT >< TR BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF >" Do while not (RS is nothing) RowCount = RS.PageSize Do While Not RS.EOF and rowcount > 0 If n=1 then Response.Write "< TR BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>" ELSE Response.Write "< TR BGCOLOR=#EEEEEE>" End If n=1-n > < TD>< span >< A rel="nofollow" href=’view.asp?key=< =RS("ID")>’>< =RS("subject")>< /A>< /span>< /td> < TD>< span >< =RS("name")>< /A>< /旦世span>< /td> < TD>< span >< a rel="nofollow" href="mailto:< =RS("email")>">< =RS("email")>< /a>< /span> < /TD> < TD>< span >< =RS("postdate")>< /span> < /td> < /或迟洞TR> < RowCount = RowCount - 1 RS.MoveNext Loop set RS = RS.NextRecordSet Loop Conn.Close set rs = nothing set Conn = nothing > < /TABLE > < FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="list.asp" > < INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="pageno" VALUE="< =PageNo >" > < if PageNo > 1 Then response.write "< INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=’ScrollAction’ VALUE=’ 上一页 ’>" end if if RowCount = 0 and PageNo < >Total then response.write "< INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=’ScrollAction’ VALUE=’ 下一页 ’>" end if response.write "< /FORM>" End if > < End Sub %>