

克莱尔·本尼特(Claire Bennet)是一个17岁的女高中生,啦啦队长。她偶然发现自己具有快速自愈并再生的能力,Claire不断的尝试挑战死亡,包括从高处跳下和进入火场,却发现无论自己的身体受到多么严重的创伤,总是能不治自愈。Claire是父母的养女,有一个弟弟。Claire 的养父Noah Bennet(班尼特)是公司特工,专门追捕超能力者。后为了保护Claire而脱离公司......

超能力:再生,血液有治愈能力。 皮特(Peter Petrelli),临终护理护士,Nathan的弟弟,拥有复制别猛缺人超能力的能力,并在不对对方造成伤害的同时,拥有其能力。

超能力:复制别人的超能力。 Nathan, Peter的哥哥,纽约众议院候选人,能飞行,Claire的亲生父亲。

超能力:飞行。 塞勒(Sylar),并不是Petrelli家族的儿子之一。在出生后,peter的母亲Angela欺骗了他梦是为了收服他为公司所用。第三季中也透露出他曾经有善良的本性但是又被人陷害成一个杀手。

超能力:看透事物的运行,第三季取得了Claire的自我修复与再生能力。 宏(Hiro Nakamura),东京某公司的程序员,中村企业的行政总裁Kaito Nakamura的儿子,能够穿梭时空。也可以通过身体接触而带领他人穿梭时空。由於父亲的逝世,在第三季Hiro继承父业,成为中村企业的行政总裁。

超能力:穿梭时者知此空,但是穿越次数过多会对自身身体造成伤害。首迅 歌名:The Chain (Live Album Version)

歌手: Groove Coverage

所属专辑:《Greatest Hits》

歌词:i wannna know  the structure of your heart  why did you tear  my broken soul apart  is it a dream  or my reality  loved and without  after warranty  OoO i want to runaway  you tell me nothing else but lies  i'm singin  OoO i try to runaway  cause i just want to live my life  i'm singin  OoO i want to runaway  as long you are by my side  i'm singin  OoO i try to runaway  but i can′t find a place to hide  no i am not  your Xing second choice  no i am not  turnin down my voice  until you understand  there's nothing to command  until you realize  that we can touch the sky  can't you feel  inside us control  can't you feel  there's nothing at all  OoO i want to runaway  you tell me nothing else but lies  i'm singin  OoO i try to runaway  cause i just want to live my life  i'm singin  OoO i want to runaway  as long you are by my side  i'm singin  OoO i try to runaway  but i can′t find a place to hide 歌名:Eyes

歌手: 卡斯卡德/ Mindy Gledhill


歌词:EyesArtist: Rogue Wave

Missed the last train home,   Birds pass by to tell me that I'm not alone.   Overpushing myself to finish this part,   Handle a lot,   One I thing I miss,   It's in your eyes,   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   Have you seen this film?   It reminds me of walking through the avenues.   Washing my hands,   Attachment scared,   Land on the Ground,   One thing I miss,   It's in your eyes,   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes   In your eyes
