


经理: [ jīng lǐ ] 1. manager2. director其它相关解释: 亏败 例句与用法: 1. 我们的销搜颤经理有着坚强的意志。 Our manager has an invincible will. 2. 销售额的增长使我们的经理漏誉很高兴。 An upturn in the sales figures delighted our manager. 3. 他被提升为经理,大家都为之欢呼。 His advancement to the position of manager was greeted with enthusiasm. 4. 经理收到了二十份求职申请书。 The manager received twenty applications for the post. 5. 这套程序是经理人员制订计划的可贵的工具。 This program gives managers a valuable planning tool. 6. 我们的副经理是公司的实际负责人。 Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business. 7. 总经理扼要介绍了公司明年的销售计划。 The general manager gave us an overview of the company's marketing plans for the coming year. 8. 他向银行经理提出贷款问题。 He broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager.