


invite的用法 invite作及物动词,其用法如下: 1)邀请,招待。常用结构为:invite sb to do,invite sb to sth,invite sb+副词或介词短语,表示“邀请某人做滚烂某事”,“邀某人去某地”“用„招待„。如: invite sb to a party, a dinner, a meeting, a big meal invite sb to consider,to dinner,to have dinner, to come to a party. ①They've invited us to stay for the weekend. 他们已邀请我们留下来度周末。 ②Who have you invited to your house for your birthday party? 你请了谁到家里来参加你的生日晚会消备历? I've invited the Smiths round for drinks next Friday. 我已邀请史密斯一家下周五来家中小酌。 ③She was polite but she didn't invite me in. 她很客气,但并未邀请我们进去。 Shall we invite them back after the theatre? 看完戏我们把他们邀回家去好吗? We invited all our relatives to the wedding. 我们邀请了所有的亲戚来参加拿搜婚礼。 2)请求,征求。如: ① Questions were invited after the meeting. 会后欢迎提问。 ② Questions are invited after the meeting. 会后请听众提问。 3)引起,招致,吸引诱使。如: ①You're just inviting trouble if you do that. 如果你那样做,只能是惹麻烦。 ②Don't leave the windows open----it's inviting thieves to enter. 不要让窗户开着,那会引贼入室。 Leaving your car unlocked is just inviting trouble! 汽车不锁上纯粹是自找麻烦! The place invites a good many visitors.希望对你有帮助!