
arrive in的用法

arrive in的用法

到达 常用动词固定搭配(1)... ... arrive at 到达(小地方);达成,得出 arrive in 到达(大宽迹地方) ask after 探问,问候 ... 到达某地 ... arrive at 到达某地 arrive in 到达某地 as …as 像……一样 ... 抵达 ... arrive at 到达(某地) arrive in 到达;抵达 art a. 美术(品)的,艺术(品)的; n. 艺术 ... 可以说到达 ) B arrive at/in,get to, reach(不用介词)可以说到达(arrive in)一个城市或国家,到达(.. 短语arrive at in 抵达 arrive-in-a-night 夕发朝至列车 Arrive In Style 到达风格 Arrive In Quick Succession 接踵而来 on arrive in 一到 arrive in hot haste 仓促而至 Arrive In Close Succession 联翩而至 Arrive in Gelou county 到达更楼 Arrive in Hong Kong 到达香港 arrive in 抵达,到达(某地): We finally arrived in Rome.我们终于到达罗马。He arrived in England safe and sound.他安全到达英国。(乘车)到达某地: The King arrived in a horse-drawn carriage.国王坐着一轿巧悄辆马车到达。 同近义词 抵达,到达strike , come in They will arrive in half an hour. 他们将于半小时之内到达。 They will arrive in Paris next Monday. 他们将于下周星期一到达巴黎。 Can we arrive in Beijing on time or not? 我们能否按时到达北京? The people who used them were some of the first populations to arrive in and settle in Europe. VOA: special.2009.08.18 Milton wants to arrive in Bethlehem to hand Christ his poem before the wise men are able to bring their gold and their frankincense and their myrrh.他想到达伯利恒把他的诗歌亲手交给基督,在术士们拿走他们的黄金,乳香精油和没药树之前。Secrets don't keep long in this heat.So... the flowers won't arrive until 5:00.世上没有不透闭渣风的墙。也就是说。。。花要到五点以后才到。The Secretary-General will arrive in Cannes on Wednesday afternoon to attend the G20 summit meeting. Her parents are expected to arrive in the U.S. Caribbean territory Thursday afternoon, doctors said. President Barack Obama will arrive in Hawaii Friday at the start of a weeklong Asian tour.