
keep going和kwep moving的区别

keep going和kwep moving的区别

keep going 表示继续运转、持续行动或维持下去,例如:

Things were difficult, and we needed her wages to keep going. 日子很艰难,我们要靠她的工资来维持生活。

She forced herself to keep going. 她强迫自己继续下去。

The wheels keep going wonky.  裤纯轮子总是左右摇晃。

keep moving 比 keep going 表示继续的程度更强哪纯尺,往往是强调永不止步李高、勇往直前,例如:

I don't like being in a rut — I like to keep moving on.我不喜欢一成不变的生活——我喜欢不断进取。

There would be no compulsion for them to keep moving. 到这时候便是天大的力量, 也赶他们不动了.