


一、选择题(答案在下面)⒈ ____ delicious the dish is!A. What B. How C. What a⒉ ____ strange clothes he is wearing!A. What a B. What C. How a⒊ ____ an interesting subject it is!A. What B. How C. What an⒋ ____ foggy it was yesterday!A. What B. What a C. How⒌ ____ careless a boy you are!A. How B. What a C. What二、把下列的句子改为感叹句。(猜衫答案不唯一)⒈ A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture.B: ___________________________⒉ A: Mr Wang is a busy man.B: ___________________________⒊ A: The cat is very happy.B: ___________________________⒋ A: The tractor is going very slowly.B: ___________________________⒌ A: He is very lucky.B: ___________________________⒍ A: It is a wet day today.B: ___________________________⒎和兆袜 A: They started early.B: ___________________________⒏ A: They waited a long time.B: ___________________________⒐ A: He is wearing a large shirt.B: ___________________________⒑ A: The dolphin is playing happily.B: ___________________________KEY一、⒈ B ⒉ B ⒊ C ⒋ C ⒌ A二、⒈唤激 What a beautiful picture Jill is drawing!/ How beautiful a picture Jillis drawing!⒉ What a busy man Mr Wang is!/ How busy a man Mr Wang is !⒊ How happy the cat is!/ What a happy cat it is!⒋ How slowly the tractor is going!⒌ How lucky he is!⒍ What a wet day it is today!/ How wet a day it is today!⒎ How early they started!⒏ What a long time they waited!⒐ What a large shirt he is wearing!/ How large a shirt he is wearing!⒑ How happily the dolphin is playing! 希望这些题目对你有帮助!