跌打膏 dieda ointment跌打止痛膏 Dieda Zhitong Extract跌打损伤 traumatic injury; wound; injuries from falls ;Traumatic injuries跌打豆 Calonyotion muricatum跌打药酒 Herbal alcohol for external injury跌打医生 bone-setter跌打软膏 bonesetter ointment跌打万花油died a wanhua oil ; Flower oils for Trauma (FLOT);dieda wanhua oil例句:1.目的:采用高效液相色谱法对跌打伤痛膏中丹皮酚进行含量测定。 Objective:To develop a HPLC method for the determination the content of Paeonol in Deidashangtong plaster.2.针对癌症康复、痛风、腰颈椎骨质增生、腰椎间盘突出、跌打损伤等有独特疗效。 Rehabilitation for cancer, gout, spinal cervical bone hyperplasia , lumbar disc herniation, bruises, etc. has a unique effect.希望能对你有帮助,望采纳!
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