


“Jerk'’在俚语中是个贬义词,意思根据不同场合,可理解为“感情用事”、“头脑简单 ”、“笨蛋”...“ Jerk”是口语中常用的词,意思是“笨人、蠢人、傻人、怪人”等。也可以用来说自己。jerk a quick, sharp, sudden movement 急动;急拉;急扭;急推 he gave a sudden jerk of his head. 他的头突然猛地一动。 ■a spasmodic muscular twitch 肌肉抽搐 ■[in sing.](Weightlifting)the raising of a barbell above the head from shoulder level by an abrupt straightening of the arms and legs, typically as the second part of a clean and jerk (举重)挺举 (informal, chieflyN. Amer)a contemptibly foolish person (非正式,主北美)蠢人,头脑简单的人,傻瓜 verb [with obj. and adverbial]make (some- thing) move with a jerk 使猝然一动 she jerked her chin up. 她突然抬起下巴。 ■[no obj. , with adverbial of direc- tion]move with a jerk 猝然一动,猛地一动 his head jerked round. 她的头猛地转了过来。 the van jerked forward. 货车猛地向前冲。 ■suddenly rouse or jolt (someone) 惊醒,颠簸 the thud jerked her back to reality. 砰的一声使她一下子回到现实中。