一过边界,你必须将速度降低到在城市里行驶的速度的极限内。 He was taken to the police box for exceeding the speed limit.他因超速而被带到警察亭。 We have decided to waive the age-limit for applicants in your case.针对你的情况,我们决定免除申请人年龄胡孙限制. The burden of proving divisibility of harm is on the defendant seeking to limit his liability证明伤害可分性的责任落在了被告人寻求对自身责任早旦的限陆做扰制上。
my skin 中文歌词翻译
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求电视剧《水月传奇》(唐小山)歌曲 《镜花缘》(繁体中文版片头曲)一男一女唱的,太难找了,先给20分
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