看语境 例句:双语英语1.On its website, occupy wall street sets its raison d 'ê tre as follows:“占领华尔街”网站列出其存在或唯的理由如下: 2.I knew tre was a thing.what thing?我就知道有事情什么事情? 3.Le thu huong asked in a letter to the tuoi tre newspaper. "And what about people whose chests are small? Most of them are too poor to afford breast implants!"thu huong在写给《码团山青年日报》的一封信中问道。“还有那些胸部小的人们怎么办迟中?他们中的大多数很穷,负担不起隆胸的费用!” 4.I'll let wood say it for himself: "greed& fear has to admit that dominique strauss-kahn has proved extraordinarily successful in re-inventing the imf by using the recent financial crisis in the west to re-invent the role of the imf, an institution which had outlived its raison d 'ê tre.伍德的原话如下:“《贪婪与恐惧》必须承认,卡恩在重塑国际货币基金组织方面是非常成功的,他利用近期西方的金融危机,对早已失去存在理由的国际货币基金组织进行重新定位。
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