


lai有3个声调的汉字,分别为lái的汉字、lǎi的汉字、lài的汉字。例如lái的汉字有:来、莱、来、俫、倈、崃、涞、郲、婡、崃、庲、徕、梾、涞、猍等等。拼音为lǎi的汉字有:襰、䂾等等。拼音为lài的汉字有:赖、癞、濑、籁、睐、徕、赉、疠、娕、唻等等。声调有“—”、“/”、“∨”、“\”这四种符号,分别叫做一声、二声、三声、四声,也称作阴平、阳平、上声、去声。在词和句子里,有的音节便失去了它原有的声散昌调,读成又轻又短的音,就叫轻声,轻声就不用标声调了。这首儿歌不但可以帮助小朋友记住声调符号的形状,而且可以根据最后一个字(高、爬、拐、降、妈分别对应一、二、三、四、轻声),很快掌握各种声调发音特点哦:一声平又高,二声往上爬,三声拐一拐,四声往下降,轻声冲拍扒叫妈妈。声调符号就像一顶帽子,只能戴在ɑ、o、e、i、贺睁u、ü 6兄弟头上。不过,一个音节中有时会同时出现这6个中的两个或三个,究竟戴在谁的头上,是有一定规则的。ɑ o e i u ü想戴帽,i u ü在前面不能要。这句口诀,简单明了,是不是可以帮助你很快判断出声调符号该标在谁头上了呢?就是说,有ɑ、o、e、i、u、ü时把声调标在它们头上,其他字母都不标调,如ān、gèng、yī、wǔ、lǜ、hóng;而6兄弟同时出现几个时,一般标在前面一个的头上,但如果i u ü在前面就要除开,不标调,剩下的谁在前面戴在谁头上,如jiǔ、duì、jiào、jiě、xué。 一首英文歌,音调很高,是男的唱的,歌词有个sangya,lai feel: can you feel it jean roch Ladies and gentleman The time is here The time is now All over the world Paris Sant Francisco Everyone on holiyday Put your drinks in the air This time Jean Roch Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Jean Roch says Can you Feel it? Jean Roch says Can you Feel it? Jean Roch says Can you feel it, feel it , feel it Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Yeah!Come on I can feel my heart, my energy And I doubt my fire bombs And men you're just like beach And everyone about Understand with his cry, happy end Featuring a man who comes back flames ! Hand of God, all the power of love Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Everyday I know I feel the pain Everynight you know I don't lose the game Cause you don't look all I have in my mind I can feel the glory in my dreams In my life, I just see you and me Together, we can be so strong Get your hands up, (come on), everybody(let's go) Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let's go) Can you feel it, (say Y) Can you feel it, (say Y) Can you feel it, (say Y) Can you feel it, (say Y) Let's Go! Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? Can you Feel it? 歌曲高潮部分的音调是lailailailai....