


Beijing roast duckBeijing roast duck, Beijing Quanjude roast duck store food, with its ruddy color, entrance crisp, mellow flavor, fat but not greasy features, known as the first Beijing delicious, fame at home and abroad.Beijing roast duck is locally rare Beijing duck made of, it is one of the world's most high-quality a duck. Legend, the pure Beijing duck breeding, about originated two thousand years ago, because Liao, gold, Yuan emperors frequently in the northern grasslands of hunting, I got this white duck, after artificial rearing, continued, to obtain the fine varieties. Now, Beijing duck has become the world's rare species, renowned overseas.北京烤鸭北京烤鸭,是北京全聚德烤鸭店的名食,它以色泽红润,入口鲜嫩,口味醇厚,肥而不腻的特色,被誉为北京第一美味,名声享誉海内外。北京烤鸭是用当地的名贵北京鸭制成的,它是当今世界上最优质的一种肉鸭。传说,这种纯北京鸭的饲养,约起手运源于两千年前,是因辽、金、元的帝王经常在北方的草原上狩猎毕虚梁,偶获此纯白鸭,后经人工饲养,一直延续下来,才获此优良品种。现在,誉凳北京鸭已成为世界上名贵鸭种,蜚声海外。