
李玖哲 夏天 歌词英文翻译

李玖哲 夏天 歌词英文翻译

你好,After the spring sun gentle smile 你的微笑 就像弯弯的彩虹Your smile is like curved rainbow 在这片天空 云朵就是我The sky is in the clouds 随时随地环绕在你四周Anytime, anywhere near around you 河堤上的风筝拉长自核伏悄由The river embankment kite spin freely 微风慢慢吹着 幸福感动The breeze blowing happiness. Slowly 我也想紧紧握 紧紧牵你的手I also want to grip tightly hold your hand 浪漫的抱着你 看着日落Romantic embrace you looked at sunset 怕黑时候 数着指头 时间就会很快过When the number of black finger time will soon 我会小心呵护守候 下雨有我肩膀靠I'll be waiting to caress my shoulder by rain 睡不着记得想着我 三秒后会梦见我I remember thinking to sleep after three seconds, can I dreamed I 载着气球 陪你兜风 看遍所有会笑的星空Carrying a balloon with you will see all the starry sky 整个夏天 想和你环游改渣世界The whole summer wants you to travel around the world 山路蜿蜒 就像是爱的冒险The winding mountain like love adventure 你的笑脸 是我唯一的零嘴Your smile is my only snacks 我用双眼捕捉这特写I catch it with his eyes 整个夏天 融化了整个季节The whole summer melt the entire season 一天一天 把你定格在结尾厅嫌One day in the end you 让我了解 爱原来可以那麽简单点缀Let me know love can be so simple ornament 看窗外的蓝天 在这个屋檐Look out of the window of the sky in the eaves 我回忆画面有你情节I have your picture 我想翻译出来唱给女友听 哪位高手可以翻译出来呢 谢谢啦I want to translate to listen to sing a girlfriend can translate? Thanks