


枪手 The Ghost (2010) .....Adam Lang 最伟大的 The Greatest (2009) 香草大猩猩 Vanilla Gorilla (2009) 通天大盗 The Topkapi Affair (2009) .....Thomas Crown 夏洛特·柯兰道尔的自白 The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (2009) 妈妈咪呀! Mamma Mia! (2008) .....Sam Carmichael Mamma Mia! The MovieMamma Mia! - I tainia危情24小时 Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) .....Tom Ryan 轮子上的汪槐宏蝴蝶 / 赎命24小时Enas agnostos anamesa masShattered婚姻生活 Married Life (2007) .....Richard 第四者MarriageHappy Birthday Elton! From Madison Square Garden, New York (2007) .....Himself 十二楼的流星雨追凶双雄 Seraphim Falls (2006) .....Gideon 天使降临 / 王牌对决Caccia spietataDuelo De Aseseinos影片未分级 This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006) .....James Bond (archive footage) 明星聊电影 Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters (2006) .....Himself Nadie sabe nada (los secretos del cine)"Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures" (2006) .....Narrator (unknown episodes) Whaledreamers (2006) .....Himself Whaledreamers第77届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) .....Himself - Presenter: Best Costume Design 好莱坞百年百部经典电影 AFI's 100 Years, 100 'Movie Quotes': The Greatest Lines from American Film (2005) .....Himself - Host 斗牛士 The Matador (2005) .....Julian Noble 肝胆相照MatadorMatador, Le吸引法则 Laws of Attraction (2004) .....Daniel Rafferty 相吸法则 / 诱惑法则 / 恋爱法则日落之后 After the Sunset (2004) .....Max Burdett 鬼胆神偷 / 合盗偷天第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) .....Himself - Co-presenter: Best Editing 深蓝 Deep Blue (2003) .....Narrator (voice: US version) 择日困册而亡 Die Another Day (2002) .....James Bond 007之择日再死 / 谁与争锋 / 不日杀机 / 死在另一天Beneath the IceD.A.D.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards (2002) .....Himself 吾家有女艾芙琳 Evelyn (2002) .....Desmond Doyle 法.父.情众生相 The Human Face (2001) .....Himself 五官奥秘 / 人类的面孔 / 五官奥妙Grimasse der kan passe, EnLjudsko lice巴明租拿马裁缝 The Tailor of Panama (2001) .....Andrew 'Andy' Osnard 惊暴危机2000年大热门娱乐奖颁奖典礼 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) .....Himself (uncredited) 海豚 Dolphins (2000) .....Narrator 格雷·奥尔 Grey Owl (1999) .....Archie Grey Owl 灰色夜枭大赛 The Match (1999) .....John MacGhee Jogo, OJuego, El偷天游戏 The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) .....Thomas Crown 天罗地网 / 1999天罗地网 / 一九九九天罗地网纵横天下 The World Is Not Enough (1999) .....James Bond 007之黑日危机 / 新铁金刚之黑日危机Bond 19Bond 2000寻找卡米洛城 Quest for Camelot (1998) .....King Arthur (voice) 卡麦勒传说The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot完全因你 Nephew, The (1998) .....Joe Brady 明日帝国 Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) .....James Bond 007之明日帝国Bond 18Mañana nunca muere, El丹特峰 Dante's Peak (1997) .....Harry Dalton 烈焰狂峰 / 天崩地裂 / 但丁峰Cume de Dante, ODante pokla鲁滨逊 Robinson Crusoe (1997) .....Robinson Crusoe 四海英豪Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe第68届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) .....Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Costume Design 火星人玩转地球 Mars Attacks! (1996) .....Professor Donald Kessler 星战毁灭者 / 火星人大侵袭 / 外星人进攻双面镜 The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996) .....Alex 离谱恋曲 / 越爱越美丽谍网雄风 Night Watch (1995) .....Michael 'Mike' Graham Alistair MacLean's Night WatchDetonator 2: Night Watch黄金眼 Golden Eye (1995) .....James Bond 007:黄金眼 / 新铁金刚之金眼睛 / 007之黄金眼007:GoldenEye007:Bond 17爱情故事 Love Affair (1994) .....Ken Allen 破碎的锁链 The Broken Chain (1993) .....Sir William Johnson Brutna kedjan, DenChaîne brisée, La死亡列车 Death Train (1993) .....Michael 'Mike' Graham 核弹总动员 / 核弹快车Alistair MacLean's Death TrainDetonator窈窕奶爸 Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) .....Stuart 'Stu' Dunmeyer 肥妈先生Entangled (1993) .....Garavan Fatal AttackLabyrinth - Liebe ohne Ausweg割草者 The Lawnmower Man (1992) .....Dr. Lawrence Angelo 异度空间Stephen King's The Lawnmower ManVirtual Wars致命英雄 Live Wire (1992) .....Danny O'Neill Murder 101 (1991) .....Charles Lattimore Assassinatos por EscritoCompito in classe: un delitto perfetto惊悚情 Victim of Love (1991) .....Paul Tomlinson A Szerelem áldozataOfiara milosci开路先锋 Mister Johnson (1990) .....Harry Rudbeck 壮志豪情 / 庄逊先生 / 约翰逊先生复仇妙计 The Heist (1989) .....Neil Skinner Bloody StonesGentleman-Coup, Der环游世界八十天 Around the World in 80 Days (1989) .....Phileas Fogg Giro del mondo in 80 giorni, IlIn 80 Tagen um die Welt塔法恩 Taffin (1988) .....Mark Taffin 绝不让步骗子们 The Deceivers (1988) .....William Savage Al filo del engañoBedragarna第四条款 The Fourth Protocol (1987) .....Valeri Petrofsky/James Edward Ross 北极光 / 核战风云A&E人物志 Biography (1987) .....Himself (2 episodes, 2004) BiografíaBiografías游牧者 Nomads (1986) .....Jean Charles Pommier NómadasNomads斯蒂尔传奇 Remington Steele (1982) .....Remington Steele (94 episodes, 1982-1987) 漫长美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday (1980) .....First Irishman 美好的星期五破镜谋杀案 The Mirror Crack'd (1980) .....Actor playing 'Jamie' (uncredited) 破镜奇案