


O-bon (お盆, O-bon) or only Bon (盆, Bon) is a Japanese Buddhist holiday to honor the departed spirits of one's ancestors. This Buddhist festival has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which people from the big cities return to their home towns and visit and clean their ancestors' graves. Traditionally including a dance festival, it has existed in Japan for more than 500 years. It is held from July 13 (August 13 according to the lunar calendar still observed in many regions) to the 15th ("Welcoming Obon" and "Farewell Obon" respectively) in the eastern part of Japan (Kanto), and in August in the western part. In recent years, however, most parts of Tokyo, and by extension, the media, hold Obon in August to coincide with the summer holiday period. Obon shares some similarities with the predominantly Mexican observance of el Día de los Muertos.盂兰盆节起源于印度根基:盂兰盆节起源于目莲救母的故事,出自《大藏经》(由印度传入的佛理)。农历七月十五日(有些地方是七月十四日),在民间称为中元节、鬼节或七月半、麻谷节,是祭祀祖先、祭拜孤魂野鬼的日子。中国的鬼节中元节也叫盂兰盆节在中国逐渐式微,而在日本却流传下来。盂罩丛兰盆节Obon也是一个日本节日2016年盂兰盆节是哪天?2016年盂兰盆节农历七洞闷蚂月十五、公历8月17日,亦称佛欢喜日、僧自恣日!佛经中说,此日“具饭百味、五果汲灌盆器,香油、锭烛、床敷卧具,尽世甘美以著盆中,供养十方大德众僧”,可令七世祖先解脱三途,现世父母如有厄难即脱离厄难!。盂兰盆节又称盂兰盆会,在中国俗称鬼节、七月半、中元节,每年农历七月十五日举行,部分地区在七月十四日。日本也有盂兰盆节,在日本,自明治6年(1873年)1月1日起采用新历后,盂兰盆节一般在阳历8月15日度过。盂兰盆节纳埋为飞鸟时代传入日本,现在已经成为日本仅次于元旦的第二大节日。