


adventure:美 [əd'ventʃə薯绝r];英 [əd'ventʃə(r)]  n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏  v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯  复数:adventures 过去分词:adventured 现在分词:adventuring  例句:  1.He talked of his adventure all day long.  他终日不停地谈他的奇遇。  2.Here was the beginning of the written record of the American adventure.  这便是美国神手伏式冒险经历的书面记录发端。  3.I met with a little adventure, which had like to have cost me dear.  我遇到一个小生意,几乎使我吃了大亏。  4.A bit of a funny end to a fabulous holiday but all part of the adventure.  有点好笑,令人难以置信的假期结束,但所有游携的冒险的一部分。  5.Three of them like the adventure, had spent a few days to a desert island.  他们三个喜欢探险,曾经去一个荒岛呆了几天。  6.With him there was one wild adventure after another.  和他在一起,疯狂的冒险总是一个接一个。