<% const upload_type=0 '上传方法:0=无惧无组件上传类,1=FSO上传 2=lyfupload,3=aspupload,4=chinaaspupload dim upload,file,formName,SavePath,filename,fileExt dim upNum dim EnableUpload dim Forumupload dim ranNum dim uploadfiletype dim msg,founderr msg="" founderr=false EnableUpload=false SavePath = "../DateBasc/" '存放上传文件的目录 if right(SavePath,1)<>"/" then SavePath=SavePath&"/" '在目录后加(/) %>
<% if EnableUploadFile="No" then response.write "系统未开差腔李放文件上传功能" else if session("admin")="" and session("UserName")="" then response.Write("请登录后再使用本功能!") else select case upload_type case 0 call upload_0() '使用化境无组件上传类 case else 'response.write "本系统未开放插虚迟件功能" 'response.end end select end if end if %> <% sub upload_0() '使用化境无组件上传类 set upload=new upload_file '建立上传对象 for each formName in upload.file '列出所有上传了的文件 set file=upload.file(formName) '生成一个文件对象 if file.filesize<100 then msg="请先选择你要上传的文件!" founderr=true end if if file.filesize>(MaxFileSize*1024) then msg="文件大小超过了限制,最大只能上传" & CStr(MaxFileSize) & "K的圆笑文件!" founderr=true end if fileExt=lcase(file.FileExt) Forumupload=split(UpFileType,"|") for i=0 to ubound(Forumupload) if fileEXT=trim(Forumupload(i)) then EnableUpload=true exit for end if next if fileEXT="asp" or fileEXT="asa" or fileEXT="aspx" then EnableUpload=false end if if EnableUpload=false then msg="这种文件类型不允许上传!\n\n只允许上传这几种文件类型:" & UpFileType founderr=true end if strJS="" response.write strJS next set upload=nothing end sub %> 下面是upload.asp文件 <% '---------------------------------------------------------------------- '转发时请保留此声明信息,这段声明不并会影响你的速度! '******************* 无组件上传类 ******************************** '修改者:梁无惧 '电子邮件:yjlrb@21cn.com '网站:http://www.25cn.com '原作者:稻香老农 '原作者网站:http://www.5xsoft.com '声明:此上传类是在化境编程界发布的无组件上传类的基础上修改的. '在与化境编程界无组件上传类相比,速度快了将近50倍,当上传4M大小的文件时 '服务器只需要10秒就可以处理完,是目前最快的无组件上传程序,当前版本为0.96 '源代码公开,免费使用,对于商业用途,请与作者联系 '文件属性:例如上传文件为c:\myfile\doc.txt 'FileName 文件名 字符串 "doc.txt" 'FileSize 文件大小 数值 1210 'FileType 文件类型 字符串 "text/plain" 'FileExt 文件扩展名 字符串 "txt" 'FilePath 文件原路径 字符串 "c:\myfile" '使用时注意事项: '由于Scripting.Dictionary区分大小写,所以在网页及ASP页的项目名都要相同的大小 '写,如果人习惯用大写或小写,为了防止出错的话,可以把 'sFormName = Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart) '改为 '(小写者)sFormName = LCase(Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart)) '(大写者)sFormName = UCase(Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart)) '********************************************************************** '---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim oUpFileStream Class upload_file dim Form,File,Version Private Sub Class_Initialize '定义变量 dim RequestBinDate,sStart,bCrLf,sInfo,iInfoStart,iInfoEnd,tStream,iStart,oFileInfo dim iFileSize,sFilePath,sFileType,sFormvalue,sFileName dim iFindStart,iFindEnd dim iFormStart,iFormEnd,sFormName '代码开始 Version="无组件上传类 Version 0.96" set Form = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") set File = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") if Request.TotalBytes < 1 then Exit Sub set tStream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") set oUpFileStream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") oUpFileStream.Type = 1 oUpFileStream.Mode = 3 oUpFileStream.Open oUpFileStream.Write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) oUpFileStream.Position=0 RequestBinDate = oUpFileStream.Read iFormEnd = oUpFileStream.Size bCrLf = chrB(13) & chrB(10) '取得每个项目之间的分隔符 sStart = MidB(RequestBinDate,1, InStrB(1,RequestBinDate,bCrLf)-1) iStart = LenB (sStart) iFormStart = iStart+2 '分解项目 Do iInfoEnd = InStrB(iFormStart,RequestBinDate,bCrLf & bCrLf)+3 tStream.Type = 1 tStream.Mode = 3 tStream.Open oUpFileStream.Position = iFormStart oUpFileStream.CopyTo tStream,iInfoEnd-iFormStart tStream.Position = 0 tStream.Type = 2 tStream.Charset ="gb2312" sInfo = tStream.ReadText '取得表单项目名称 iFormStart = InStrB(iInfoEnd,RequestBinDate,sStart)-1 iFindStart = InStr(22,sInfo,"name=""",1)+6 iFindEnd = InStr(iFindStart,sInfo,"""",1) sFormName = Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart) '如果是文件 if InStr (45,sInfo,"filename=""",1) > 0 then set oFileInfo= new FileInfo '取得文件属性 iFindStart = InStr(iFindEnd,sInfo,"filename=""",1)+10 iFindEnd = InStr(iFindStart,sInfo,"""",1) sFileName = Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart) oFileInfo.FileName = GetFileName(sFileName) oFileInfo.FilePath = GetFilePath(sFileName) oFileInfo.FileExt = GetFileExt(sFileName) iFindStart = InStr(iFindEnd,sInfo,"Content-Type: ",1)+14 iFindEnd = InStr(iFindStart,sInfo,vbCr) oFileInfo.FileType = Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart) oFileInfo.FileStart = iInfoEnd oFileInfo.FileSize = iFormStart -iInfoEnd -2 oFileInfo.FormName = sFormName file.add sFormName,oFileInfo else '如果是表单项目 tStream.Close tStream.Type = 1 tStream.Mode = 3 tStream.Open oUpFileStream.Position = iInfoEnd oUpFileStream.CopyTo tStream,iFormStart-iInfoEnd-2 tStream.Position = 0 tStream.Type = 2 tStream.Charset = "gb2312" sFormvalue = tStream.ReadText form.Add sFormName,sFormvalue end if tStream.Close iFormStart = iFormStart+iStart+2 '如果到文件尾了就退出 loop until (iFormStart+2) = iFormEnd RequestBinDate="" set tStream = nothing End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate '清除变量及对像 if not Request.TotalBytes<1 then oUpFileStream.Close set oUpFileStream =nothing end if Form.RemoveAll File.RemoveAll set Form=nothing set File=nothing End Sub '取得文件路径 Private function GetFilePath(FullPath) If FullPath <> "" Then GetFilePath = left(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, "\")) Else GetFilePath = "" End If End function '取得文件名 Private function GetFileName(FullPath) If FullPath <> "" Then GetFileName = mid(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, "\")+1) Else GetFileName = "" End If End function '取得扩展名 Private function GetFileExt(FullPath) If FullPath <> "" Then GetFileExt = mid(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, ".")+1) Else GetFileExt = "" End If End function End Class '文件属性类 Class FileInfo dim FormName,FileName,FilePath,FileSize,FileType,FileStart,FileExt Private Sub Class_Initialize FileName = "" FilePath = "" FileSize = 0 FileStart= 0 FormName = "" FileType = "" FileExt = "" End Sub '保存文件方法 Public function SaveToFile(FullPath) dim oFileStream,ErrorChar,i SaveToFile=1 if trim(fullpath)="" or right(fullpath,1)="/" then exit function set oFileStream=CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") oFileStream.Type=1 oFileStream.Mode=3 oFileStream.Open oUpFileStream.position=FileStart oUpFileStream.copyto oFileStream,FileSize oFileStream.SaveToFile FullPath,2 oFileStream.Close set oFileStream=nothing SaveToFile=0 end function End Class %>相关文章
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