Christine Collins, whose son disappeared in 1928 and was never found.英文网站上对原型的评价。所以真实结局和电影中应该是一样的。
Answers At Last — But Not The 庆哪Kind That Comfort
Just when you imagine things can't get any worse in the story of Christine Collins, they do. Her son's body was never found, but it's almost certain that he was one of the victims in the so-called Wineville Chicken Murders.
Gordon Stewart Northcott was convicted of killing three boys on a chicken ranch. His mother, Sarah Louise Northcott, confessed to killing Walter Collins. The brutality of the crimes created such a nightmarish image that Wineville changed its name to Mira Loma.
But Joe Straczynski says he did not want Changeling to focus on the atrocities.
"I decided the best and most honorable way to tell the story was from [Collins'] perspective," the screenwriter says. "It is about her war, her battle to find her son, what happened to her son.
"Everyone around her had an agenda — a political agenda, a personal agenda," Straczynski says. "The only clear voice in the entire story was hers."
Christine Collins (June 13, 1891 - October 11, 1985) was an American single mother, who made headlines in 1928, after her 9 year old son, Walter Collins was kidnapped.
The Wineville Chicken Coop Murders (also known as the Wineville Chicken Murders) was a series of kidnappings and murders of young boys occurring in Los Angeles and Riverside County, California between 1928 and 1930. The case received national attention and events related to it exposed corruption in the Los Angeles Police Department. The 2008 film Changeling is based upon events related to this case.
据说这片子是根据真实事件改编的,特意wiki了一下。果然是真实还原了事件。电影里,朱莉演的很好,比她老公那个Benjamin Button 惊喜太多了。
Walter Collins于1928年3月10日,在去电影院的路上失踪。这个小男孩的失踪引起了全国人民的关注。洛杉矶警察展开了大规模的搜索行动,但都以失败告终。警察局的名声一落千丈,越来越多的群众对警察局施加压力誉孝码,要求尽快解决这一事件。
然而在见到Walter的刹那,他的母亲Christine Collins就发现这个男孩不是她的儿子。负责此事的J.J Jones队长劝说她将这个孩子带回家,"try him out for a couple of weeks" ,Christine只得妥协。
但是Christine坚持这个男孩并不是她的儿子,她甚至找来牙医为她证明。这个做法激怒了Jones,他以违反12号规定的名义,将Christine关进了精神病院。在Christine被监禁的日子里,Jones讯问了这个男孩,最后,男孩承认他的名字叫Arthur Hutchins,来自伊利诺斯州,而非Walter。
之后5年过去了,一个据说曾经Northcott逮住过的男孩被找到。Christine相信Walter也还在某个地方活着。在她的余生里,她继续寻找着她的儿子。她最终消失在人们的话题中,最后一次关于Christine Collins的报道是在1941年,她试图从Jones手中获得赔偿金。
Christine Collins死于1985年11月,享年94岁。她始终没有找到她的儿子。
电影的编剧J.Michael Straczynski偶然读到了关于Christine Collins的案例,被她所打动,最终创作出了这个剧本,并将它搬上了荧幕。