


At ease ! 稍息 Left/right face 向左/右看齐 March 齐步走 Face forward 向前看 Turn right/left 向右/左转 Turn around 向后转 From 1 to 2 1—2 报数 Four to eight 四列横队变八列横队 操练口令 DRILLS COMMANDS预瞎乱令 preparatory command动令 command of execution徒手操练 drills without arms集合 FALL IN成一列(二列)横队集合on one (two) rank(s), FALL IN立正 ATTENTION稍息/(还原) (STAND) AT EASE. /AS YOU WERE.向右看齐 eyes RIGHT/ RIGHT DRESS/ RIGHT AND FACE向左看齐 eyes LEFT/搜脊 LEFT DRESS/ LEFT AND FACE向中看齐 eys CENTRE/ CENTRE DRESS/ CENTRE AND FACE向前看 FRONT. / eyes FRONT以右(左)翼为基准GUIDE RIGHT (LEFT)以中间为基准 GUIDE CENTRE以我为基准 GUIDE ON ME.靠拢 CLOSE散开 EXTEND. /take interval, MARCH.以一班为基准,散开(靠拢)Extend (Close) on 1st squad, March.报数 COUNT OFF重报 AGAIN现在点名 Now, let's call the roll.到 Here.出来报告出席人数REPORT. / Come out and report the number of the men present.全到 all correct. /all present除……外都到了。all present except....……世神渗缺席。 is (are) absent.出列 OUT OF RANK(S)入列TAKE YOUR POST(S)向左(右、后)转left (right, about) FACE/Left(right,about) TURN齐步走 Forward, MARCH. / Quick time ,MARCH. /Quick MARCH.向前三步走 3 steps forward, MARCH.跑步走 Double time, MARCH. /Double MARCH.便步走 At ease, MARCH. /Route step, MARCH.踏步 mark time, MARCH. /MARK TIME.右转弯走 RIGHT(LEFT) WHEEL./ Right(left) flank, MARCH.向后转走 To the rear, MARCH.一二一 Left, right /one, two, three, four.立定 HALT. / (Company) HALT.卧倒 LIE DOWN.起立 RISE.解散 DISMISSED.