


merely只能做副词用 only可以做形容词、副词和连词等等merelyadv.仅仅;只不过I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.我只不过看了看巧克力,我没有吃。They are not merely content to fill the stomach.他们不仅仅满足于填饱肚子。You don't have to be angry. He merely wanted to know the truth."你不必太生气了,他只不过是想知道点事实真相。"onlyadj.(形容词)Alone in kind or class; sole.唯一的:在种类或级别中与众不同的;独特的Standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence.出众的:因杰出和优秀而突出的adv.(副词)Without anyone or anything else; alone:单独地:没有其它别的事物;独自地:room for only one passenger.单人客房At the very least:仅仅:If you would only come home. The story was only too true.只要你肯回家来。这故事是千真万确的And nothing else or more:只有,仅仅:I only work here.我只在仔悄这里工作Exclusively; solely:专门地,唯一地:facts known only to us.这些事只有我们才知道In the last analysis or final outcome:最后的分析,最终结果:actions that will only make things worse.最后使事情更糟糕的行为With the final result; nevertheless:最终结局,仍然:received a raise only to be laid off.加薪的结果只是被派遣而已As recently as:最近地:called me only last month.上个月刚通知我In the immediate past:刚才:only just saw her.刚才还看见她了conj.(连接词)Were it not that; except.假如;除念丛渣非With the restriction that; but:条件是,但是:郑槐You may go, only be careful.你可以去,但要小心However; and yet:然而,毕竟:The merchandise is well made, only we can't use it.这种商品做工精致,然而我们不能用