
attendee 和attender 是否有区别

attendee 和attender 是否有区别

有咐好区别。attender是常客,出席者,参加者的意思。attendee强调是(会议等的)出席者。例句辨析:attender1、He was a regular attender at the opera. 他是剧院的常客。2、The difference between being a church attender and a church member is commitment. 参加教会和成为会员的分别在于有没有委身。3、The ultimate blunder for a red carpet attender could be showing up in the same outfit as another star who looks better in it. 红毯嘉宾的大忌可能要数与其他明星撞衫了,尤其当别人穿起来更好看时。attendee1、Only one-half of the attendees could fit into the large hall at any one time. 这个大厅一次只能容下一半的枯档出席者。2、This attendee has declined the meeting. 此参加者谢绝了会议。3、This attendee has tentatively accepted the meeting. 此与会者已暂时接受了没简乱会议要求。