


您好Cai tomb in Shaanxi Province in the south Yangxian Longting shop 200 meters, Wu Mu Mu Qu area, a seven-meter-high home; stone tomb of the existing three links, really the middle of the book, "Vorontsov matter Cai Hou Tomb" in Shaanxi The provincial key cultural unit. Cai Jing-word pieces, Guiyang, Hunan (Leiyang today), the Eastern Han Ming Di, a former Queen's palace in charge of manufacturing the items still FANG. LIU Zhao Xing Yuan Han Teijin first year (the year 10 five years), he successfully improved the paper-making methods, and use bark, Ma Tau, rag, broken fishing net, and other raw materials, create a cost-effective paper, Court approval of the promotion. From then on, all the world with his paper-making method, known as the "paper-designate Tsai." Han Emperor Liu Yuan dry year (the Year - 2014), Deng Cai to serve the overall situation of the court, in power for a long time, grant letters, "Ting Hou-long", the manor is now the Yangxian Longting shop. Legend is China's future, Cai, the inventor of paper-making operation, his tomb pains to protect it as a sign of respect meaning. Temple tomb covers an area of 30 hectares, the temple area have Baidian, Xiandian, Cai Hou Temple, East and West side hall in a palace, Lok House in the Qing Dynasty, such as architecture and multi-Xieshan strain Cooper and Han Gui; Muqu have Shirengou, Shi Yang , Shima, such as Weng Zhong, Ming and Qing stele multi-Xieshan Ding Dan Yan fat-square-ting Festival. Metella was tall funnel-shaped. There are behind-the-scenes moon pool. Tomb of Cai Lun is set Metella ancient temple garden stone relics in one tourist destination. May 25, 2006, Cai Qing, as the ancient burial tomb, was approved by the State Council included in the focus of the sixth national heritage list蔡伦墓 在陕西省洋县龙亭铺南二百米处,墓区面积五亩,家高七米;墓前现存石碑三通,正中真书“沃龙事侯蔡伦之墓”,是陕西省重点文物保护单位。 蔡伦字敬件,湖南桂阳(今耒阳)人,东汉明帝时,曾任宫廷主管制造御用器物的尚方今。 汉和帝刘肇元兴元年 (公元一0五年),他成功地改进了造纸的方法,用树皮、麻头、破布、破渔网等为原料,造出了物美价廉的纸,朝廷批准推广。 从此,天下都用他的方法造纸,称为“蔡候纸”。汉安帝刘枯元初元年(公元—一四年),邓大局以蔡伦供职宫廷,年久有功,授封“龙亭侯”,其封地即为现在洋县的龙亭铺。后世传说蔡伦是我国造纸术的发明者,对他的故墓着意保护,以示敬仰之意。 墓祠占地30多亩,祠区有拜殿、献殿、蔡侯祠、东西配殿、乐楼等清代歇山式建筑及多株古柏和汉桂;墓区有石人、石羊、石马等翁仲,有明、清碑碣多通肪单檐歇山顶方型祭亭。高大的墓冢呈漏斗状。幕后有明月池。蔡伦墓祠是集墓冢古建园林文物石刻于一体的旅游胜地。 2006年05月25日,蔡伦墓作为清代古墓葬,被国务院批准列入第六批全国重点文物保护单位名单