
troye sivan出柜中文翻译视频

troye sivan出柜中文翻译视频

1-2 分钟Hey guys this's Troye Sivan. And this is probably the most nervous I've ever been in my entire life, but I'm going to deal with it because I have something to tell you guys as you can probobly see by this vedio.大家好,我是Troye Sivan。竖悔这大概是我经历过的整个人生中最紧张的时刻了,但是没关系,我会处理好余宏正的。我有一些事情想要告诉你们,你们看过这个视频就会知道。The date today is Aug. 7th, 2013. And the reason I'm telling you this is because on Aug. 7th, 2010 I told my family that I am a gay. And on Aug. 7th, 2013 I want you guys to know that I am a gay.今天是2013年8月7日,我之所以告诉你们这个是因为在三年前的今天,我告诉我的家人我是个同性恋。而今天,也就是2013年8月7日,我准备告诉你们,我是个同性恋。It feels kind of wierd, tough to answer on the internet, but I feel like a lot of you guys like real, geniune friends of mine.在网上说这些事情让我绝颤觉得很奇怪,也很艰难。但是我感觉你们这些网友就好像我生活中真实真正的朋友一样。I share everything with Internet. I share every aspect of my life into Internet. And whether that's a good thing. This is not something I'm ashamed of. And this is not anything that anyone should have to be ashamed of. So why not share with all of yo guys.我在网络上分享我的一切,我生活的方方面面。我不知道同性恋这件事是好是坏,但是我知道我不以此为耻,任何人都不需要以此为耻。所以我想,为什么不和你们分享这一切呢?I'm terrified. I know that some people may got problem with this. I know this could kind of change everything for me, but it shouldn't have to. That's why I made this vedio and that's why people make this kind of vedioes because my aim on this channel is to make you guys smile, make you guys laugh and that's never gonna change.我很惊恐,我知道有人对此会接受困难,我也知道和可能会彻底改变我的生活,但事实不应如此。这也是为什么我要做这个视频,为什么大家要做这一类的视频。我在网络上做节目的目的是让你们开心,这一点永远不会有所改变。I'm still gonna make the same vedioes. I'm still the same Troye.This is just some new information about Troye.我还是会接着做我的网络节目,我还是那个Troye,你们只是知道了关于我的一些新信息。Now I'm going to to tell you guys that may catch you up on this trunk of my life. It's kind of missing from the internet knowledge.现在我想告诉你们我人生中的一些经历来给你们节俭,这些信息似乎无法再网络上检索到。When I was born I knew something was little bit different about me. I couldn't figure out what it was, but the word "Gay" kind of scared me a lot. When I was younger, I know that it wasn't a good thing.我哦刚出生的时候就发现我有一点点不一样。我说不出是哪里不同,但在那个时候,“同性恋”这个词让我感到非常恐惧。我更小一点的时候,我知道那不是一件好事。I remember when I was younger I was lying bed and the picture like, you know this signs on the doors of the toilets, the female sign and the male sign. And I used to pictured the male sign and I put a big cross road in my head. And I used to picture the female sign and put a green tick.我记得我小时候,我会躺在床上,在脑海里想象出两幅图,你们知道的,就是卫生间门口标志的那种男和女的那种。我以前常常在脑海里想象男士的标志,然后在上面画上一个叉,然后想象女士的标志,在上面打一个绿色的勾。It's kind of prove a voice, a voice being this way and a voice known that something was up.但这种做法似乎只是更加确定了一个事实,那就是我确实哪里不对了。3-4 分钟We are basically, I kind of put that thoughts back, in the back of my mind. I didn't really want to think about it. It kind of scared me and terrified me. Maybe something was gonna change.我试图把这些问题抛到脑后,不去想它。它吓到我了,我觉得也许有些事情要发生变化了。But when I was 14 I went to park with my best friend Kaller and Kaller kind of know my deepest secret. And I though about it and I though ther was one thing that I'm never gonna ever discuss with anyone. That was kind of packed in my head.You know that was your thing and that was your secret keep for ever.但是我十四岁的时候,又一次和我最好的朋友凯乐一起去公园。凯乐基本上知道我最深的秘密。那个时候我想,现在我有一件事永远都不能跟任何人讨论。就好像是我把它打包藏在了我的脑袋里。那是我自己的事,是我自己要永远保守的秘密。But Kaller is Kaller. There is reason that she is my best friend. She kind of pulled it out of me. And I said to her:"I think I might be..." And she goes to me:"Troye, are you biosexual?"但那时凯乐,她之所以成为我最好的朋友是有原因的。跟她聊天,她几乎把真相从我身上挖掘出来。我说:“我想我可能是……”她问我:“Troye,你是双性恋吗?”And I started to cry my eyes out and hugged her and said :"I think I might be a ..." but I freaked out that I wasn'st ready. I really geniunelly not ready for this. I thought about it before and it was kind of miss this thing in the back of my ming and I didn't really thought about it.然后我就开始痛哭不已,我拥抱了她,我说:“我想我可能是……”但是我还是崩溃了,我还没做好准备,我真的真的还没做好准备。之前我都把这件事抛在脑后不去想它。So I ran home crying and we decided that we never gonna speak of it again. But what that did is kind of opened up this thing in my head that could be the case. So it kind of force me to deal with it. Ther I was 14 had half.那天我哭着跑回家,并且和凯乐商定再也不提这件事了,但这次的刺激似乎在我的脑袋里打开了一扇门,让我看到事情可能确实是这样的。某种程度上它迫使我去面对解决这件事。那个时候我只有十四岁半。So for about six months, I did the one thinf I know how to do which is go on my laptop. And this the majority why I'm doing this today because I hope people like 14-year-old Troye are going to find this vedio because I watched pretty much kind of coming out vedio on Youtube, wherever it been posted. I watched it between 14and half and 15.从那时起大概在六个月里,我做了我唯一知道的事,就是去网上搜索。这也是我今天录制这个视频的原因,因为我希望能有像“14岁的Troye”这样的孩子能看到这个视频。那个时候我在Youtube,或者其他任何能够找到出柜视频的网站上看了许多出柜视频,找那些14岁半到15岁之间的看。Those coming out vedioes, those brave people on Youtube, without them, don;t know where I could be or what I could done because it show me it's OK. You know I mean those people out there living healthy, happy lifes, who are absolutly fine. And they happen to be gay as well.这些出柜视频和Youtube上面无比勇敢的人,没有它们,我真不知道自己今天会怎样,会做出什么样的事情来。因为看了这些视频,我知道其实同性恋没有什么关系。你懂吗,我是说有很多同性恋他们过着健康快乐的生活,一点问题都没有。只不过碰巧他们都是同性恋。5分钟So after the six months, I became happy with myself. I ran to Kaller's house. This is six months later and we hadn't spoken of it at all. I said :"I've got to tell you something." and I told her again, for second time. And since then ,our friendship has been like absiolutely unbreakable, the strongest you can have. 六个月之后,我开始对自己感到释然了。我跑去凯乐家里,对她说我有事情要告诉你,第二次了。过去的六个月里我们丝毫没有提及过这件事。从那时起,我们的友谊变得坚不可摧,是你能拥有的最牢固的友情。And she is being so expecting and so amazing. She hugged me and tole me it was completely OK. In 10 minutes we were back to normal. 100% fine.她是如此可靠如此令人惊喜。她拥抱了我,并且告诉我,那真的没关系。大概过了十分钟,我们就恢复往常的状态了,完全没有问题。= = 后面英文懒得写了= =2010年8月7号那天,我和爸爸躺在床上,我们探讨起宗教的问题。我说:“关于宗教,其中有我吗可以改变的东西吗?”对于我来说,是一个同性恋这件事真的没什么,为什么宗教教义会对其有所反对呢?这是件自然的事情。说实话,其实基本上是我爸爸引导我说出这件事的,毕竟他是世界上最了解我的人。他说:“为什么这么问?你怎么想?我也觉得同性恋没什么关系。”我不知道是我一个人这样还是你们也是,我感觉到我的喉咙都被锁紧了,我说不出话来。“因为……”【嘴巴拉上拉链,说不出话0 0】“我是同性恋。”他看着我,眼睛瞪大了,我也是。我们拥抱,我说爸爸你还爱我吗。他看着我就好像我问出这种问题简直是疯了,他说,当然,我当然还爱你。我们彻夜长谈。他只是想确定我真的没事儿,对于他来说,我本人才是他唯一担心的,我是同性恋不会对他的生活造成最轻微的改变。而我,是真的真的没事儿。我之前想过出轨以后的生活会是神马样的,但实际上我们基本上直接跳过了适应的阶段。对父亲出柜大概是我人生中最艰难的事情了。早上起来,我向妈妈出柜了,她起床,拥抱了我,然后我们聊了很久。在我的要求之下,我的父母把这件事告诉了我们的亲戚。我的亲戚们基本上都是同一个反应,就是来我的房间抱抱我。在告诉了嫁人之后,我在我的朋友圈做起了工作,他们之中也没有一个人觉得这是一个问题,我感觉这真是不可思议,他们对我太好了。出轨之后,我可以自在的生活,再也不用为这个问题担心。生活真的是太美好了^ ^然后我录了这个视频,并且把它放在了网上没啦^u^