13) Invoice of first negotiation to show a deduction of USD: 83/- being opening bank’s swift charges. 13 )首漏运次议付发票显示在开证行现付费用中扣除83美薯搜和元的扣除款。 78: Instr to PAY/ACCEP/NEG 对议付行指示 1) Prior approval is to be taken from opening bank for negotiating docs with irregularities and no payment is to be made under reserve or against any indemnities under such circumstances. 1 )开证行预先核准议付单据,违规及拒绝付款的单据要保留追偿权或拒绝赔偿2)Endorse details of negotiation on the reverse of LC and courier full set of docs in one lot to ****(此处为地址,隐去啦). 2 )议付信用证背面的详细内容和一套完整的单据快递到****(此处为地址,隐数盯去啦) 。 3) Upon receipt of credit compliant documents at our counters we shall remit as per your instructions at maturity. 3 )遵守我信用的单据,我们将按您的指示在票据到期时予以免除。 4) Negotiating bank must confirm on the docs covering schedule that all charges of the advising bank have been paid. 4 )议付行必须根据明细表确认通知行所有收费均已支付。 72: Sender to receiver INF 银行间的指示 72:发出人 到 接受人的银行间的指示 1) Please acknowledge receipt. 1 )请签收。 2) PLS collect your charges in advance. 2 )请预先集资。根据楼上回答整理的,希望对您有帮助
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