
katy perry中文歌词

katy perry<this is how we do>中文歌词

[Verse 1](This is how we do, This is how we do) /人生就是如此,人生就该这样Oh ohSipping on Rosé, Silver Lake sun, coming up all lazy /啜饮玫瑰红酒 耀阳照的湖面银光闪闪 让悄孙人放松赖床晚起(This is how we do) /人生就该如此Slow cooking pancakes for my boy, still up, still fresh as a Daisy /为我的男人 慵懒的做著早餐 松饼出炉如雏菊般 新鲜似极Playing ping pong all night long, everything's all neon and hazy /彻夜乒乓 尽情游戏 霓虹闪烁 朦胧夜晚(This is how we do) /人生就该这样Chanel this, Chanel that, hell yeah /爽啦样样名牌 香奈儿东 香奈儿西All my girls vintage Chanel baby /死党们 都拿香奈儿的经典系 [Pre-Chorus]It's no big deal, it's no big deal, it's no big deal /这没什麼大不了的This is no big deal /这不算什麼啦[Chorus x2]This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back /人生就该这样 爽啦 尽情放松享受Straight stuntin' yeah we do it like that /辣妹杂志 我们要登上封面女郎This is how we do, do do do do, this is how we do /人生就该如此 人生就要这样Big hoops, and maroon lips, my clique hoppin' in my Maserati /呼啦圈 复古丛改褐红唇膏 夥伴们争先恐後 想上我的玛莎拉蒂(This is how we do) /人生就该如此Santa Barbara chic,La Super Rica, grabbing tacos, checking out hotties /圣芭芭拉 我老家 知名大厨 敲好吃玉米饼Now we talking astrology, getting our nails did, all Japanese-y /来说说星相学 没那麼闲 做做指甲 最爱日系启郑链(This is how we do) /人生就该这样Day drinking at the Wildcats, sucking real bad at Mariah karaoke /在酒吧喝个烂醉 在卡拉OK包厢练功[Pre-Chorus]It's no big deal, it's no big deal, it's no big deal /这没什麼大不了的This is no big deal /这不算什麼啦[Chorus x2]This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back /人生就该这样 爽啦 尽情放松享受Straight stuntin' yeah we do it like that /辣妹杂志 我们要登上封面女郎This is how we do, do do do do, this is how we do /人生就该如此 人生就要这样This one goes out to the ladies at breakfast in last night's dress /女孩们注意 不会有人酒会礼服去吃早餐(It's how we do, straight stuntin' like that) /人生就该如此 如杂志封面Uh-huh, I see you /我都懂Yo, this goes out to all you kids that still have their cars at the club valet and it's Tuesday /拜托小伙子 也喝得太茫 现在都周二收假了 你车还停在酒吧(This is how we do yeah straight stuntin like that) /人生就该这样 登上封面头条Yo, shout out to all you kids, buying bottle service, with your rent money /哟 老娘要点醒你们 这群用房租 来买开瓶服务的Respect! /给老娘清醒点[Chorus x2]This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back /人生就该这样 爽啦 尽情放松享受Straight stuntin' yeah we do it like that /辣妹杂志 我们要登上封面女郎This is how we do, do do do do, this is how we do /人生就该如此 人生就要这样This is how we do /人生就该这样This goes out to all you people going to bed with a ten and waking up with a two /这歌献给你们这群 大夜上街逍遥 早上十点才睡的This is how we do (straight stuntin like that) /人生就该这样 登上封面头条Ha, not me /哈 才不是我勒This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back /人生就该这样 爽啦 尽情放松享受Straight stuntin' yeah we do it like that /辣妹杂志 我们要登上封面女郎This is how we do, do do do do, this is how we do /人生就该如此 人生就要这样What? Wait. No, no, no, no. /搞什麼鬼? 停. 等等等等Bring the beat back. /节拍跑了 砍掉重练That's right /这就对了(This is how we do), oh oh /人生就是如此This is how we do), oh oh /人生就该这样