


Italian diet features: Hong rotten rich, well-known in order to retain its original flavor, cook on 以炒、煎 In order to stir fry 、炸 , Deep-fried 、红焖等方法着称,并喜用面条、 , Said the Hong Men and other methods, and use of hi noodles, 米饭作菜,而不作为主食用。 For rice dishes, rather than as a main food. 意大利人吃饭的习 Italy's eating habits of people 惯一般在六七成熟就吃,这是其它国家所没有的。 Used to eat mature on June 7 in general, it is other countries do not have. 口味爱好:喜吃烤羊腿、牛排等和口味醇浓的菜。 Loving the taste: hi Kao Yangtui eat, such as steak and Chunnong taste of the dish. 各种面条、炒饭、馄饨、饺子、面疙瘩也爱吃。 All kinds of noodles, fried rice, wonton, dumplings and swelling on the skin surface also love to eat. 意大利的 Italy's 美食如同它的文化:高贵、典雅、味道独特。 Food as its culture: noble, elegant, unique flavor. 精美可口的面食、奶酪、火腿和葡萄酒成为世界各国美食家向往的天堂。 The exquisite delicious pasta, cheese, ham and wine become the world's longing for gourmet paradise. 传统的烂枝意大利式正餐一般会有四至五道菜式:头盘:意大利文称 Antipasto ,是 " 用餐之前 " 的意思。 Traditional Italian-style dinner will be the general 4-5 dishes: the first set: that Italian Antipasto, "before the meal". 文荟西餐厅的行政总厨精心准备的鲜牛肉薄片和意式沙拉及意式奶酪沙拉一定会让您食欲大振,胃口大开。 Wenhui restaurant's Executive Chef prepared slice of fresh beef and Italian salad and Italian cheese salad will no doubt keep your appetite Zhen, appetites. 第一道菜主要是指汤( Zuppe )、意粉或烩饭( Risotto ),意大利文是猛伏 Primo Pratto 。 The first course mainly refers to the Tang (Zuppe), spaghetti or rice cooked in soy and vinegar (Risotto), is in Italian Primo Pratto. 由于之后仍有主菜,所以分量会较少。 After the main course due to the still, the weight will be less. 在京广文枝历携荟西餐厅,您可以选择意大利蔬菜汤、蟹肉玉米浓汤或面食、局鸡肉面卷、牛肉面片、意式空心粉和海鲜天使面。 Wenhui in the Beijing-Guangzhou restaurant, you can choose to Italian vegetable soup, crab meat corn soup or pasta, chicken noodle Board volume, surface-chip beef, Italian-style seafood and hollow powder angel face. 意大利面食饮誉全球,所以您可千万不要错过这道可口的面点。 Italy enjoys a worldwide reputation pasta, so you can not miss this delicious side of the point. 第二道菜即主菜:是整个正餐的灵魂,主要是海鲜或肉类菜式。 Dierdaocai that is the main course: the soul of the entire dinner, mainly seafood or meat dishes. 不少主菜菜式都是以烧烤或油炸方式烹调,享用时随意加点桌上的盐或橄榄油便可食用。 A lot of main course dishes are grilled or fried way of cooking, enjoy free points on the table when the salt or olive oil can be edible. 西餐非常注重甜品,而意式甜品极为出色。 Western attaches great importance to the dessert, and intended dessert-an excellent job. 意大利文中甜品 Dlolce 本身就是 " 甜 " 的意思。 Dlolce Italian dessert in itself is a "sweet". 通常是在享用主菜后才点选的。 Usually enjoy the main course after the click. 法国前总统戴高乐将军有句名言:“这个国家奶酪种类太多,无法治理。”意大利情况“更糟” ,因为它的奶酪种类之多,产量之丰,品质之高,均令法国望尘莫及。 French President General Charles de Gaulle There is a famous saying: "too many types of cheese in this country can not control." Italy "even worse" because of its many types of cheese, the abundance of production, high-quality, all make France a hard act to follow. 只将意大利咖啡的浓郁,芳香融入冰激凌中,真是好滋、好味、好享受。 Italy's only coffee strong, aromatic into the ice cream, mayonnaise is really good, good taste, good to enjoy.