
哀兵必胜 解释

哀兵必胜 解释

【词目】哀兵必胜 【读音】āi bīng bì shèng【注音】ㄞ ㄅㄧㄥ ㄅㄧˋ ㄕㄥˋ[2]【简拼】abbs【色彩】褒义【结构】主谓式【类别】军事类【用法】本词口语、书面语通用,含褒义,描绘性较强,在句中多做分句、定语、慎如谓语,用于形容受到压迫、欺凌常与“多难兴邦”连用。【释义】哀兵:由受迫而悲愤地奋起反抗的军队。一说“哀;悯也”。怜惜和慈爱士卒。①指因受欺侮而怀着激愤情绪为正义而战的伏帆军队一定能打缺孝雹胜仗。反引申为由横遭侵凌残害而悲愤满腔的国家和民族;能奋起抗战;必获胜利。②慈爱士卒而得人心者胜。[2]【近义词】师直为壮、哀师必胜【反义词】骄兵必败、傲卒多败【英语】① An oppressed army fighting with desperate courage is sure to win.;An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win.② An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win.; An oppressed army fighting with desperate courage is sure to win.; The oppressed [distressed] will rise to win.